An America without Roe
With a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion overruling Roe v Wade in hand, what does this say about America, about how we got here, and where we need to go?
With a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion overruling Roe v Wade in hand, what does this say about America, about how we got here, and where we need to go?
Passing on opportunities to demonstrate our principles is a sure path to losing the opportunity to serve.
A state senator from Michigan is showing us what strength that is neither angry nor mean can look like.
We're missing something (and an opportunity) at the heart of current populist rumblings on both sides of the aisle -- and it isn't disinformation.
Misinterpreting election cycles is a pretty consistent theme in the Democratic party over the last decade, and it seems to be starting early this cycle.
Our increasingly power-centric, incumbent-centric civic systems are confirming that our leaders no longer trust us or their own leadership -- if they ever did.
There is no "too late" here: investigate, prosecute, expel, imprison.
What do we do when "winning" is no longer correlated with progress?
Is the disconnect between representatives and represented being driven by our increasingly data-driven campaigns?
Hint: it's not about depolarization. Healing requires inclusion. Inclusion requires celebrating, not just tolerating difference.
People often talked about ignoring our nationalized dysfunctional political discourse and focusing locally. Is that even possible? What is polarization costing us?
What do we really mean when we say polarization? Perhaps the reality of American political culture is not as bi-polar as we've gotten used to -- or been told.